our solidarity actions

"Get involved, they said!"

  • You choose the association to benefit from your solidarity action
  • 10% of your bill is donated to the chosen association
  • In addition to the 10%, you can also contribute to the association you support if you wish.
  • Your teams are mobilized and their commitment is stronger because they are more united.
  • You're making solidarity happen!

Le Bouging, the application that does good, and does you good! It's a unique opportunity to get your teams involved in a virtuous, fun and socially responsible association!

How? It's very simple, and that's the beauty of it! You choose the association you want to support, get all your employees involved... and turn a good deed into a memorable souvenir.

There's no geographical constraint, no need to choose an association, no need to be physically fit... everyone can take part, everyone can share in the pride of having contributed to a better world, and of having enjoyed themselves in the process.

Bouging is solidarity in motion!

Chain of Hope

La Chaîne de l'Espoir is an international, independent, apolitical and non-denominational medical NGO, founded in 1994.

Our priority is to target vulnerable people, especially children and women.

Our approach is based on an integrated care chain and joint action with local teams, with the aim of empowering them.

To achieve this, our volunteer doctors, caregivers and technicians operate and train in the techniques best suited to the needs and contexts in which they work.

We put in place the structural resources needed for surgery, both material (hospital construction, equipment) andhuman (medical-surgical, paramedical and technical skills).

Upstream, we invest in prevention and screening.

We work in close partnership with all healthcare players (local authorities, hospitals, international institutions, associations, companies) to provide a coordinated response and ensure a lasting impact on the living conditions of vulnerable people.

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Imagine For Margo

Cancer is the leading cause of death from disease among children in France and Europe.

Since 2011, the Imagine for Margo association has been mobilizing key healthcare players and collecting donations to accelerate European research into childhood and adolescent cancer. It also carries out actions to raise awareness of the cause, improve the well-being of sick children and support their families. In 12 years, Imagine for Margo has become a major player inpediatric oncology on a national scale and an influential player in Europe. For more information, visit www.imagineformargo.org.

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Samu Social

The mission of Samusocial de Paris is to combat precariousness in practice and in theory, by working closely with homeless people throughout the Paris region.

Its professionals work daily to combat the exclusion of homeless individuals and families, helping them by assessing their situation, then offering temporary accommodation, care, support or referral to a support system adapted to their situation.

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Institut Curie

Since its creation by Marie Curie in 1921, the Institut Curie has been recognized as a charitable foundation with three missions: research, care, and the preservation and transmission of knowledge. This multi-disciplinary approach, enshrined in the foundation's statutes, is the Institut Curie's DNA.

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La Cami

CAMI Sport & Cancer is a non-profit association under the French law of 1901, created by Mr. Jean-Marc Descotes, a former top-level sportsman, and Dr. Thierry Bouillet, an oncologist at Avicenne University Hospital. It was born, 23 years ago, from an intuition: physical activity is a complement to traditional treatments to help patients increase their chances of remission. Corroborated by numerous international trials published over the last 20 years, CAMI Sport & Cancer's mission has become clearer, and the association has grown to support 3,500 patients a week, thanks to the expertise of some 30 Sports Therapy Practitioners, in some 80 urban and hospital care settings in 31 French départements.

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Brain Institute

The Institut du Cerveau (formerly the Institut du Cerveau et de la moelle épinière - ICM) is a research center of unrivalled international scope, innovative in its conception and organization. By bringing together patients, doctors and researchers in the same place, the aim is to rapidly develop treatments for nervous system injuries, so that they can be applied to patients as quickly as possible. Coming from all horizons and all countries, the best scientists develop the most advanced research in this field.

To enable researchers to advance their work and give real hope to patients, we all need to get involved: public authorities, private companies, individuals. All of us, without exception, because this fight concerns each and every one of us.

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