our challenges

Our themed challenges :

Bouging challenges you!

If you want to work together for a great cause, you need the right challenge! The one that's right for you, with the theme, the association and the duration you choose.

Together, we'll create THE challenge that will get your commitment moving and leave your teams with lasting memories: quizzes, missions, social wall, rankings...

Fun and commitment, small steps and big causes... tailor-made!

CSR Challenge

CSR Challenge

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a major issue today, with the voluntary and strong integration of social and environmental concerns into daily business practices.

With Bouging, you can meet a number of objectives in a single application: encourage teleworking, limit travel, while offering tools for linking up employees...

Committing yourself to a cause, and contributing to a better world... We create with you and for you a challenge that raises awareness, opens up debate, reflection and action.

‍Commitment is most powerful, when it contributes to a more caring society.

I'm developing my team spirit!
I talk to my colleagues
QWL Challenge

QWL Challenge

With Bouging, Quality of Life in the workplace is a happy subject! How can you improve your employees' well-being? How can you support them in their sporting activities, and generate dopamine, pride and pleasure? By offering them a virtuous challenge associated with a cause close to their hearts, of course!

With you and for you, we create a challenge that raises awareness, encourages debate and reflection, and inspires action. You feel better when you're helping to make the world a better place.

I'm on the move for a good cause
Raising my team's awareness of QWL
Sustainable Development Challenge

Sustainable Development Challenge

According to Gro Harlem Brundtland, Norwegian Prime Minister (1987), sustainable development is "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". Virtuous development.

Thanks to our solidarity, our connected and committed actions, we take part in this development while respecting others. With you and for you, we create a challenge that raises awareness, encourages debate and reflection, and encourages action.

The future is sweeter when we move together.

I receive eco-responsible awards
I'm switching to a low-impact mode of transport
Nutrition Challenge

Nutrition Challenge

We all know that health comes from eating well and being physically active... but after the theory, it's time to put it into practice! Cardiovascular disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes... "We are what we eat."

We are what we move! So long live the app that gets us Bouging for two good causes: our own, and the one we're defending!

With you and for you, we create a challenge that raises awareness, encourages debate and reflection, and encourages action. Bodies are happier when we engage them in healthy, respectful challenges!

I'm learning a lot about nutrition
I share nutrition tips with my team

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